Waste Consulting Companies vs. Waste Broker Companies: What’s the Difference?

by Global Trash Solutions

When you are looking for ways to reduce your waste management expenses, you may be looking at waste consulting companies and waste broker companies for help. There are some key differences between consultants and brokers which you should know to make the best waste management decisions for your business.

What Do Waste Consulting Companies Do?

Waste consultants offer a wide range of services to help you minimize your waste while maximizing your savings. A consultant can save you on average of 35% on waste and recycling costs. A consultant’s goal is to help you improve efficiency, reduce waste expense, and increase your bottom line.

They help you by performing a detailed analysis of your current waste management processes, your waste management needs, and your waste management costs. They analyze the information they have gathered to determine what solutions would be best for your business.

Next, they provide you will their recommendations on how you can reduce waste management costs. You are in full control of all decisions made and which recommendations you choose to implement.

If you decide to entrust your consultant with your waste management needs, then an agreement is finalized and the recommendations you want to implement are put into place. Your consultant only gets compensation when you save money on your waste management services, so it is only a percentage of your overall savings.

After your solutions are implemented, your consultant continues to monitor your account to verify all waste vendor and supplier costs are accurate. They will take steps to intervene when needed.

Consultants can also help you find the best deals on your solid waste and recycling equipment, balers, and compactors. Additionally, if you require equipment repair or maintenance, they can help find an authorized service technician through their established partnerships to save you money on repair and maintenance costs as well.

What Do Waste Broker Companies Do?

Waste brokers also offer different types of waste management services to help you reduce waste and maximize your savings. A broker can also help you save 35% on average on your waste management and recycling costs.

Your broker will also perform a detailed analysis of your current waste management processes, needs, and costs. They will use this information to help you broker the best deals with waste management vendors and suppliers in your area for waste hauling and recycling services.

If you like the deals they are offering, you enter into an agreement with the broker. The broker serves as your single point of contact, both during the brokering process and after. If you have problems with waste pick-up, recycling, disposal, or billing, you call your broker.

Two Businesspeople Using Digital Tablet

A broker’s primary objective is to help you find the best savings on your business’s trash and recycling needs. Unlike consultants that collect a percentage of your savings, brokers can require an agreed-upon flat-rate monthly service fee. This fee is paid regardless of the actual savings you gain.

Just like consultants, brokers can help you find the best costs for all of your waste management and recycling equipment. They also can help save you money on repair and maintenance services.

As you can see, both waste consultant companies and waste broker companies offer very similar services. The primary difference is that consultants help manage all aspects of your waste management needs, services, and equipment while brokers focus more on helping you save money on waste management services and equipment.

If you are not sure whether a consultant or broker would be best for your business, why not choose Global Trash Solutions for your waste management solutions? We understand the importance of waste management and provide access to both waste consultants and brokers.

To request your free waste management consultation and analysis of your waste management needs, please feel free to call us at 866-760-8194 today! We would be happy to discuss your needs and help you determine whether a consultant or broker would be best for your business.

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