Trash Compactors: Types, Uses, Features, and Benefits

by Global Trash Solutions

What are the types of trash compactors available for commercial use, and what features will benefit your business most? Because a commercial trash compactor can increase efficiency and cut operation costs for most businesses, it makes sense to invest in the right type of waste compactor or recycling baler.

The Most Common Types of Trash Compactors

There are many types of commercial trash compactors and balers on the market. Selecting the right trash compactor will depend on the type of business and the volume of waste it produces.

Self-Contained or Ground-Fed Compactors

These models sit on the ground and might be a top- or front-load compactor. They are generally outdoors on a concrete pad with a fence around them. This is a cost-effective option and ideal for restaurants and other businesses with liquid and food waste. They are sealed to prevent leaks and limit odors.

Vertical Trash Compactors

These compactors have a ram that compresses the load vertically instead of horizontally. They can be fed from the ground, through a wall, or by a chute system. These are space-saving trash compactors and can fit in smaller alleys or basement loading docks.

Freestanding Stationary Compactors

When space available is a primary consideration, choose a freestanding model that comes in many compactor size options. These can be set up for ground loading from the front or rear, be chute fed, and compact waste into a separate waste receptacle that can be moved with appropriate equipment.

Features to Look For in Commercial Trash Compactors

Different models have different features that will make them more effective for your business application. A waste management consultant experienced in your industry can help you select the right combination of:

  • Volume of compaction. How much does the trash compactor reduce the volume of waste? Many models reduce the volume of trash by 5:1. This means that the garbage truck picks up much less often, saving you money on waste disposal.
  • Speed of compaction. If your business generates high volumes of trash, it will matter how fast it can operate. Industrial waste compactors feature speeds of up to 300 pounds per hour, keeping production lines moving.
  • Required operating space. Knowing the space needed to operate, load, and unload a trash compactor is essential to choosing the right model for your available floor space and pickup location. Compacted cubes can be moved and stored much more easily than bags of loose garbage and can reduce your carbon footprint.

Commercial Trash Compactor Benefits for Business

Commercial Trash Compactor

Investing in a commercial trash compactor has advantages for your business that begin as soon as you implement, including:

  • Increasing efficiency of staff and reducing losses
  • Cost reductions in waste management and operations
  • Supporting facility safety and aesthetics
  • Protecting the environment and reducing the amount of waste in landfills

Need Help Selecting the Right Commercial Trash Compactor?

Commercial trash compactors reduce the amount of waste your business produces and can reduce your costs by 35% or more while helping you reach your sustainability goals. The industry experts at Global Trash Solutions can evaluate your needs and recommend the right industrial waste compactor for any size of business or facility.

Contact us today for a free consultation and more information about waste stream audits and waste management equipment from GTS. We also leverage a nationwide network of recycling markets and waste haulers through our team of professional waste brokers. Partner with us today to go green, boost your bottom line, and compress your commercial waste management budget.

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