8 Things Only Experts Know About Waste Brokers

by Global Trash Solutions

Every business faces the challenge of managing waste and recycling collection and may not fully understand the real cost of their waste management services or why they keep rising. Still, many business owners and managers don’t know the cost saving benefits of working with a professional waste broker.

Professional waste broker companies can do more than help you negotiate lower prices on waste management and disposal services. They can analyze your current costs and guide you on improving day-to-day operations in ways that reduce waste, increase efficiency, and align with your company’s sustainability goals.

Have you considered these 8 things experts know about working with waste brokers?

1. A Waste Broker Negotiates for You

Recycling and solid waste brokers don’t directly handle waste collection.They are experts in the waste industry that have the connections and leverage to negotiate on your behalf with waste service providers. They will locate and contract with vendors for the waste hauling services your business needs. Navigating websites and waste broker software alone can be time-consuming and frustrating. A waste broker saves you money and headaches.

2. The Pricing Is Competitive

Working with different waste management vendors, a broker affords access to a full suite of services at a single price. Your professional waste broker works hard to lower your service costs. In most cases the cost of working with a broker or waste consultant pays for itself with more cost-effective and compliant business operations.

3. Brokers Manage Seasonal and Location Variables

As a stand-alone business or small chain, chances are you are paying the highest prices for your trash hauling and recycling pickup.Because brokers work with networks of local and regional haulers, they can consolidate services and offer more favorable pricing packages based on your unique needs. Leveling out seasonal and regional barriers makes your waste management budget more predictable while lowering costs.

4. Vendor Invoices Are Analyzed and Billing Is Consolidated

Waste management brokers consolidate all of your locations and services on one invoice that is designed to summarize and report costs accurately. The individual invoices from vendors have already been checked for overcharges and unexpected fees before the totals are presented to you. Any disputes with your garbage haulers can go through your waste broker.

5. Brokers Focus on Your Waste Management Goals

A waste management broker is highly knowledgeable in the waste disposal field. They can review existing waste management policies and adapt them to be greener, more efficient, and cost-effective. They can schedule a waste stream audit, help you interpret the results, and recommend equipment that will pay for itself in reduced waste volume and recovered recyclables. Your waste broker has connections with top professionals for each aspect of the process.

6. Brokers Coordinate Services Across Multiple Locations

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If you manage a restaurant franchise, a chain of retail stores, or manufacturing facilities in multiple locations, managing local trash hauling contracts can be a full time job. A broker serves as your single point of contact. There are industry expert medical waste brokers and hazardous waste brokers that work under one company to serve all your specialized needs.

7. Brokers Provide Resource Management Solutions

Working with a broker not only helps in saving money. It can reduce the resources consumed by your business. Brokerages can help streamline waste removal processes and trash pickup schedules. They can also identify and help address regulatory issues, so your company complies with all state, local, and federal requirements.

8. Waste Brokers Can Cut Your Waste Management Budget

At Global Trash Solutions, we can cut 30-40% off your waste and recycling costs. As a nationwide  leader in the industry, our goal is to find the most effective ways to manage paper, plastic, textile, metal, wood, medical, and industrial waste and recycling.

Serving a wide range of industries, GTS offers 24/7 customer service, as well as waste consulting, waste auditing, compactors, and balers, as well as waste reduction services for greener growing companies. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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