The 4 Benefits of Waste Management for Small Businesses

by Global Trash Solutions

We all know that reducing, recycling, and reusing are the right things to do, especially in the business world. However, when you’re trying to balance a budget, market your brand, and build your team, it can be difficult to find time to analyze waste generation at your business and implement the most effective waste disposal solutions.

It can be very advantageous to your business to partner with a waste management consultant team to identify opportunities that exist in your commercial waste handling process. Responsible waste management offers many benefits to customer loyalty, for employee satisfaction, and to your bottom line in the long term.

The many benefits of waste management to small businesses include:

1. Save Money and Improve Processes

Saving money and making smart business investments are top priorities for any small business. One area of opportunity that is often overlooked is improving your waste management practices. With waste reductions, streamlining waste collection, and negotiating better rates with service providers, there may be many ways to drastically reduce your costs. Do you understand the volume and type of waste your business is generating?

Waste consultants and waste brokers can provide a waste audit to help you understand potential money saving opportunities that already exist. To minimize fixed costs, a waste management consultant can help with contract rates and reduce storage and handling costs with equipment like a recycling baler or an indoor trash compactor.

Using a baler or compactor, you can reduce the number of dumpsters and trash pickups that are needed to collect and remove your business’s waste. With less money spent on trash collection and removal services, you’ll have more money available to invest back into your small business. Many small businesses can save 35% or more on their waste management budget with help from a consultant.

2. Give Your Company Reputation a Boost

Maintaining an environmentally friendly image is crucial for the success of any small business, and a little good news can only benefit your brand. By investing in responsible commercial waste management services, you can add “eco-friendly” to the list of reasons that customers should choose your brand over competitors.

In fact, a recent Nielsen study found that 81% of global respondents believe that companies should help to improve the environment. Customers prefer to spend money with small businesses that actively and visibly work to reduce waste, recycle, and practice a greener business strategy. These additional sales and growing customer loyalty is one of the key benefits of waste management for small businesses.

3. Protect the Local Environment

Waste separation and recycling in business office

As a member of your local community, how your business handles waste management has a huge impact on the local environment. Reducing the amount of waste that goes to local landfills, reducing the use of disposable packaging, and promoting cleaner handling processes to reduce pests benefit not just your business reputation but the environment we share.

By making proper waste management a top business goal, you’re able to:

  • Lessen the amount of waste sent to local landfills.
  • Divert hazardous materials and recyclable materials to appropriate facilities.
  • Reduce air and water pollution.
  • Minimize the need for more (or larger) landfills.
  • Demonstrate compliance with federal, regional, and local zero waste and green initiatives.

4. Increase Employee Productivity

Chances are that your employees spend a significant amount of time emptying trash containers, hauling bags to dumpsters, sorting recyclables, or breaking down cardboard. Many of these tasks are made easier and less labor intensive when your business makes use of trash compactors, balers, and right-sized containers. These devices can even help prevent the loss of valuable inventory.

Learn More About Commercial Waste Management Solutions Today!

Would you like to learn more about reducing waste at your business and the benefits of improving your commercial waste management?  At Global Trash Solutions, we specialize in business waste consulting and brokering solutions for commercial clients. We offer a free consultation, waste audits, and reporting on money saving opportunities in your waste management budget. Contact us today to get started!



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